
How Long To Soak Overnight Oats

Top view of a jar filled with overnight oats and topped with berries and peanut butter.

Photos of overnight oats in a jar topped with peanut butter and berries.

Here's everything you need to know virtually overnight oats — the all-time basic recipe, the proper ratio, plus 20 different variations. Overnight oats are delicious, so piece of cake to make and perfect for meal prep.

Do you love oatmeal, but swear it off during the hot summer months because the idea of eating a steamy bowl of oatmeal makes y'all sweat just thinking about it! I feel ya and I have a solution… overnight oats!

I am a HUGE fan of warm oatmeal (peculiarly baked oatmeal), but overnight oats have held a special place in my heart since I discovered them in 2009. They're so easy to prepare and the combinations of flavors are truly countless. I love that I can prep everything the night before and wake upwards to a delicious breakfast. I've experimented with so many dissimilar flavors, but in this mail I desire to answer all your overnight oats questions and share my bones recipe.

Overhead shot with 6 jars of overnight oats, each with different toppings.

Ingredients Needed Overnight Oats

  1. One-time-fashioned rolled oats – Old-fashioned rolled oats are a must for overnight oats. They soak up the liquid overnight, which gives you lot a lovely creamy texture. Instant, quick-cooking and steel cut oats don't work considering they don't absorb the liquid in the aforementioned way that rolled oats do. Endeavour my overnight steel cut oats recipe if yous adopt!
  2. Milk – You tin can make overnight oats with whatsoever type of milk you prefer. I personally like non-diary options and normally use unsweetened almond milk for my overnight oats.
  3. Yogurt –Yogurt gives overnight oats an extra creamy texture while calculation a fleck of poly peptide. I personally like using plain Greek yogurt since information technology's the highest in poly peptide and lowest in sugar. To brand vegan or dairy-complimentary overnight oats you can employ a non-dairy yogurt or skip the yogurt all together and use additional milk.
  4. Chia seeds –Chia seeds are optional, but I love them because they add together a bit of fiber, protein and omega-three fatty acids and they help absorb some of the liquid which gives the oats a thicker consistency.
  5. Add-ins + toppings –Here's where you can become creative. Just like with regular oatmeal, in that location are some classic add-ins similar vanilla extract, basis cinnamon, maple syrup (or dearest) and a pinch of sea salt that really elevate the flavor and make overnight oats super tasty.

Overnight Oats Ratio

The base "recipe" for overnight oats is so simple! The hardest part is getting the right ratio of oats to liquid, just if you lot follow my recipes you lot'll be fix!

I aim for a1:i ratio of rolled oats to milk, plus one-half as much yogurt. Then for 1 loving cup of oats, I apply i cup of milk + i/ii cup of yogurt (or an additional 1/2 cup of milk). For this recipe, I'one thousand skipping the yogurt and using the actress milk. This seems to give the oats the perfect consistency, not too thick, merely non soupy. For the liquid, I commonly become for non-dairy milk like almond milk, only you can use any milk you have on hand and if yous really want to experiment you can try using different liquids like fruit juice.

Basic overnight oats in a mason jar with a gold spoon. Several more jars behind the open jar with lids for meal prep.

Get Creative!

Like I said, you can mix in different ingredients or add toppings to actually accept your overnight oats to the side by side level. Below I'm sharing my basic overnight oats recipe, plus variations for chocolate bit overnight oats, peanut butter overnight oats and berry overnight oats. Of course, this is merely the tip of the iceberg… whorl down to the bottom of this mail to find links to over 20 different recipes!

And just to get your creative juices flowing… here are some fun mix-ins and toppings to add together to your base overnight oats recipe:

  • Fruit – you can't go incorrect with bananas and berries, but almost any fruit will piece of work
  • Nut butter – I use peanut butter and almond butter most oftentimes, but any and all nut/seed butters are nifty including coconut butter
  • Basics and seeds – almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, kokosnoot, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds… you're options here are countless
  • Granola – I'chiliad a granola girl and love adding crunchy granola on my overnight oats. If you're looking for homemade granola recipes, I highly recommend my hemp granola or this coconut granola
  • Protein –  a dollop of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese will add a good amount of protein
  • Chocolate – I'm all about sneaking a little chocolate into my breakfast. I like to use Lily's chocolate chips because they're low in sugar and carbs, but whatsoever chocolate chips or fifty-fifty a chopped chocolate bar volition work

Mix, Soak Overnight and Bask!

Once yous have all your ingredients mixed together, merely cover and put in the fridge the oats in the refrigerator to soak overnight. I personally like to employ broad rima oris 16 oz stonemason jars for storing my overnight oats merely any airtight container will work.

The next morning, grab your overnight oats from the fridge, give the mixture a big stir and top with your favorite toppings. At this point you lot can merely dig right in equally overnight oats are meant to be eaten cold. Encounter my note below if you're not keen on eating cold oats.


Summer Dessert Overnight Oats In the Video

  • Strawberry Shortcake Overnight Oats
  • Huckleberry Crumble Overnight Oats
  • Peach Pie Overnight Oats
  • Carmine Cheesecake Overnight Oats

How Long Do Overnight Oats Demand to Soak?

Given the name, you'd assume overnight oats need to soak overnight, but you can actually brand them in 2-four hours if you're in a blitz. While it does take some time for the oats to absorb the liquid, they don't necessarilyhave to be soaked overnight.

I recommend at least eight hours for truthful overnight oats, but there have been mornings where I determine I want overnight oats for breakfast even though I didn't prep them the night before. When this happens I'll make them the morning time of and let the oats soak for just 2-four hours. With this quick soak, they're not equally soft equally overnight oats that have soaked longer and they're a chip more than liquidy, but they're still delicious.

Overhead shot with 7 jars of overnight oats, each with different toppings.

How Long Do Overnight Oats Stay Fresh?

When stored in an airtight container in the fridge overnight oats should last for up to v days. They will soften more than the longer they sit down so I observe they're best on days 1-iii, but they're still safe to consume on days 4 and 5. With this said, overnight oats are nifty for repast prep. Feel gratuitous to make a whole batch for the week on Sun. I like prepping them in wide mouth 16 oz mason jars.

Tin can You Consume Them Hot?

Short respond, aye! Y'all tin can definitely warm up overnight oats, but the whole point of overnight oats is toswallow them cold like muesli. Even if yous call back common cold oats sound foreign, I recommend giving it shot before you write them off. Of course, if you but tin't do the cold oats you can always rut them up. Just pop the overnight oats in your microwave, cooking in 30 second increments until the oats are warm throughout and enjoy.

Overhead shot with 7 jars of overnight oats, each with different toppings.

Can Overnight Oats Assistance You Lose Weight?

Let me offset by saying, oats are not the key to weight loss, merely oatmeal is a great selection when y'all're trying to eat good for you and lose weight! It is packed with fiber, but I recommend pairing it with protein to forbid blood sugar spikes. I beloved mixing in protein pulverization or Greek yogurt right to my overnight oats.

If you're looking to go along your sugar consumption down you lot tin always omit the maple syrup/honey from the overnight oats recipes or apply a carbohydrate alternative like stevia or monk fruit to sweeten the oats. Y'all'll only take to play around with how much to add based on your preference.

Overhead shot of basic overnight oats with berries and peanut butter on top.

More Like shooting fish in a barrel Healthy Recipes Like This

  • Baked Oatmeal Cups
  • Piece of cake Chia Pudding
  • Protein Balls
  • Protein Oatmeal
  • Oatmeal Chia Cookies
  • Creamy Steel Cutting Oats

Piece of cake Overnight Oats

Here's the basic recipe for overnight oats with rolled oats, milk, yogurt and chia seeds. They're delicious, so like shooting fish in a barrel to brand and perfect for meal prep.

Overhead shot with 7 jars of overnight oats, each with different toppings.

Prep Time eight hours

Total Time 8 hours

Servings 1

Basic Overnight Oats

  • ½ cup erstwhile fashioned rolled oats
  • ½ cup milk, any milk volition piece of work, but I like unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 cup apparently yogurt or ane/iv cup more milk, I similar using Greek yogurt
  • 1-ii teaspoons maple syrup or beloved, or your preferred sweetener
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds, optional
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla excerpt, optional
  • pinch of sea table salt
  • toppings of choice: fruit, nut butter, nuts, seeds, etc.

Chocolate Fleck Overnight Oats

  • 2 Tablespoons chocolate chips

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

  • 1 Tablespoon peanut butter

Berry Overnight Oats

  • 1/4 loving cup fresh berries, I like sliced strawberries and blueberries best

Basic Overnight Oats

  • Add together oats, milk, yogurt, maple syrup, chia seeds, vanilla and ocean salt into a jar or storage container with a hat. Stir ingredients together. Place in the fridge overnight. If you're in a rush you tin can shorten the soak time to two-4 hours.

  • The next morning time (or when ready to swallow), remove lid and requite oats a large stir. If they seem too thick you can add a little more than milk to loosen the mixture. Top with your favorite toppings and savour. You can consume the oats directly from the jar or pour into a bowl for serving.

  • Overnight oats should last upwards to 5 days in the fridge in a sealed closed container.

Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats

  • Stir 1 Tablespoon of chocolate chips into the overnight oat mixture when prepping and and so sprinkle oats with remaining chocolate chips to serve.

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

  • Stir ane/two Tablespoon of peanut butter into the overnight oat mixture when prepping so drizzle oats with remaining peanut butter to serve.

Berry Overnight Oats

  • Stir two Tablespoons of berries into the overnight oat mixture when prepping and so top oats with remaining berries to serve.

Serving: one serving Calories: 208 kcal Carbohydrates: 31 one thousand Poly peptide: 8 yard Fat: 6 g Fiber: 5 g Carbohydrate: 4 g


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20 Overnight Oats Recipes:

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