
how long do potatoes last in the fridge

Information technology'due south piece of cake to forget a bag of potatoes in the recesses of your pantry. Or to buy a large bag, only to realize that you can only eat potatoes then many times in ane week. That inevitably brings up the question: do potatoes go bad?

Or maybe you wanted to stock up on potatoes and did a chip of research into possible ways of storing those spuds long term. And undoubtedly yous stumbled upon some conflicting info, particularly nigh whether or not you should air-condition potatoes.

If whatsoever of these questions and concerns sound familiar, this article is for you. In it, we become through storage, shelf life, and going bad of potatoes. If you would like to learn more nearly these garden veggies, read on.

How to Shop Potatoes

When you lot come abode with the potatoes, don't wash them before putting them into storage. If they're likewise dirty, you can brush them, but don't use any water. That will just make them go bad sooner.

When it comes to storage, the all-time temperature for potatoes is approximately 7˚C to 10˚C or 45˚F to 50˚F. That ways that the fridge is likewise cold, and room temperature is too warm. And so unless yous happen to have an unheated basement or some other place that maintains such temperature, you need to cull i of the imperfect options.

Let's start with storing spuds at room temperature. Every bit I already mentioned, it's non ideal, merely it's nifty either. A couple of things to call back here is to make sure they sit out of light and in a well-ventilated place.

Four unpeeled potatoes
Four unpeeled potatoes

If yous've brought them in a plastic bag, cut some holes here and there to permit the veggies jiff. Otherwise, a mesh bag or a basket with some holes works slap-up too.

If you store potatoes in a relatively warm (think room temperature) identify, at some betoken they volition start to sprout. That's okay, and it'due south non a sign of the potatoes going bad.

All yous need to exercise is to cutting off the sprouts before cooking, and you're practiced to go. The same applies to sweet potatoes.

At present permit's talk about the alternative to room temperature, and that is the fridge.

The issue with storing potatoes in the refrigerator is that cold temperature causes the starch in potato to plow into sugar. And that, every bit y'all might imagine, causes the potatoes to become somewhat sweetness. Considering of that, in many places online y'all can read that yous should never store potatoes in the fridge.

If you live in a hot climate and the potatoes don't terminal likewise long in the pantry, you tin try storing some in the fridge to see how they turn out. Possibly you won't find them that bad.


Refrigerated potatoes tend to change colour when cooked. To reduce that effect, you can take them out of the fridge an hour before cooking, so they warm up to room temperature.

Soup prep: cubed potatoes
Soup prep: cubed potatoes

No affair if you store potatoes at room temperature or in the fridge, make certain to bank check on them once a week and remove the bad ones.

All in all, storing raw potatoes in the pantry is the way to become for most of united states of america. Avoid refrigerating them unless yous have to.

When it comes to cooked potatoes, they become into the fridge, in an closed container.

How Long Practise Potatoes Terminal

Potatoes, similar garlic and onions, have a quite long shelf life. If you lot store them in ideal conditions, they should easily last for over a month, if non more than. At room temperature, they final about 2 weeks, and a week or ii more in the fridge.

When it comes to cooked potatoes, they usually retain relatively good quality for 3 to v days in the refrigerator. The same is true if you're wondering how long potato salad lasts.

That's true, of course, if the container is closed tightly and any harmful bacteria haven't gotten within earlier you put the container into storage.

Pantry Fridge
Potatoes (raw) 1 – 2 weeks 3 – 4 weeks
Potatoes (cooked) 3 – five days

Delight remember that while storage time in the fridge is longer than in the pantry, information technology has its downside. Likewise, the periods to a higher place are estimates just.

Baked potatoes with rosemary
Broiled potatoes with rosemary

How To Tell If Potatoes Are Bad?

A sure sign that a tater has started to spoil is that the irish potato begins to dry out out and shrink, or becomes mushy, depending on the humidity of the storage surround. As before long as they brainstorm to either shrivel or soften, you lot should discard them.

A potent sour or musty smell may besides accompany soft potatoes, and certainly indicates spoilage.

Mold spots also mean spoilage, but like with all other veggies, if the spots are small, you tin can only cut them off with some excess and apply the balance.


Exposure to sunlight can cause greenish spots to form on potatoes. These spots practice non indicate spoilage, and you can simply remove them before cooking. The same process applies to dark spots or bruises that may occur on the pare of a spud.

As I already mention, potatoes sprout little growths subsequently a while. And while that'south non a sign of spoilage, they exercise indicate that the quality is beginning to reject (onions exercise the same, as I discuss in Do Onions Get Bad?). Then it's best to use those potatoes as shortly as possible before the quality drops even further and you lot have to throw them out.


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